Per Kentucky regulations, 902 KAR 2:060 and 702 KAR 1:160, every student must have an immunization certificate on file to enroll and attend school. Parents can contact their child’s medical provider or access their child’s vaccination records and print a school immunization certificate through the secure Kentucky Immunization Registry (KYIR) Public Portal. Please see the link below for information on how to access information.
Guardians may provide consent to allow a school nurse to update their student's immunization record in the Kentucky Immunization Registry and print a immunization certificate which is required for school attendance. Consent may be given through the Online Registration Process or by signing a KYIR consent and providing it to their student's school. Consent may be removed at any time.
KYIR Public Portal
KYIR Consent Form - English
KYIR Consent Form - French
KYIR Consent Form - Spanish
Preventive Health Care Examinations
Per Kentucky regulation, 702 KAR 1:160, students must have a preventive health examination within one year prior to initial entry to school. A second examination is required within one year before entry into sixth grade.
School Physical Form
Vision Exam
Per KRS 156.160, students must have a vision examination by an optometrist or ophthalmologist in the first year of enrollment in public school. This evidence shall be submitted to the school no later than January 1 of the first year that a three (3), four (4), five (5) or six (6) year old child is enrolled in public school, public preschool, or Head Start program.
Vision Form
Dental Exam
Kentucky law KRS 156.160 (j) requires proof of a dental screening or examination by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to be presented to the school no later than January 1 of the first year that a five (5) or six (6) year old child is enrolled in public school.
Dental Form