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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 34% | Middle 30% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 27% | Middle 25% | High 19%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 36% | Middle 35% | High 28%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 22% | Middle 17% | High 17%

Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners.

Career & Technical Pathways (HIGH SCHOOLS)

o   Agriculture

o   Business & Marketing

o   Computer Science

o   Construction Technology

o   Education

o   Family & Consumer Sciences

o   Health Science

o   Media Arts

Advisory Councils or Hosting Co-Op Students

·      Colleges of Study (IGNITE INSTITUTE)

o   Biomedical Science

o   Engineering

o   Computer Science

o   Logistics

o   Education

o   Design

o   Pre-Nursing

·      Career & Technical Pathways (NKY Area Technical Center)

o   Transportation – Automotive & Diesel Mechanics

o   Manufacturing – Welding, Metal Fabrication, Machine Tool

o   Construction – Electric

o   Health Science

·      Project Lead the Way Programs

o   Elementary – LAUNCH (43 interdisciplinary modules)

o   Middle School – GATEWAY (10 discovery units)

o   High School – Pathways (4-5 full-year courses)

§  Computer Science

§  Engineering

§  Biomedical Science

·      Early College Program

o   Partner w/ Gateway Community & Technical College

o   Associate’s degree by attending ½ day each day for Jr. & Sr. year

·      Dual Credit Opportunities

o   Northern KY University

o   Thomas More College

o   Gateway Community & Technical College