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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA)

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 34% | Middle 30% | High 32%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 27% | Middle 25% | High 19%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 36% | Middle 35% | High 28%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 22% | Middle 17% | High 17%

District Committees


District Committees

The Boone County Board of Education appoints the following committees to advise the Board on specific matters. (BCS policy 10.2) A board committee may be a standing committee, which meets on a regular schedule for the entire year, or a committee may be an ad-hoc committee, which meets for a specific purpose and time period.


2024 Committee Meetings & Chairpersons

All meetings are held at the District Office. 

Meetings will be posted on the Boone County Schools Website's District Calendar and updated regarding Ad Hoc meetings scheduled or changes in the below dates and times of meetings within 24 hours of the meeting.

*Karen Byrd will remain as the liaison to Florence City Council




2024 Board Members on Official Committees-2024



Negotiations Committee – Negotiations are held in private between the Boone County Education Association and the Boone County Board of Education Negotiations Committee, made up of 2 board members, Superintendent and District Cabinet Members

flow chart


video link


Click Here To Hear More About Our Committees

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about School Board Committees

What is the purpose of Board Committees?
Committee meetings are the learning and working meetings of Boone County Board of Education. The work of the Board is assigned to multiple committees which allows for board members and representatives from the school district and community stakeholders the opportunity to work together on relevant issues. Business items that are placed on the agenda of the School Board’s monthly meeting are generally discussed within a Board committee ahead of time. Our Board Committees provide for collaboration and transparency in the school district’s work as each committee has representation from multiple stakeholder groups.

Are Board Committee meetings open to the public?
Yes, Board meetings and Board committee meetings are open to the public as we must follow the Open Records law and Open Meetings law.

Who serves on Board Committees?
Board Committees have representatives from various stakeholder groups (board members, district leaders, school leaders, employee association leaders, certified staff, classified staff, parents, students, and community members).

What is the role of Board Members on committees?
The board member’s role is to gather input from the rest of the board members on agenda items and take it back to the committee, those same board members report back to the other board members on the committee’s work.   This is a very efficient way for board members to stay informed and be aware of the different work occurring across the district.

Can visitors attend district committee meetings?
Yes, however there is not an audience of citizens agenda item on a committee agenda as is found at regular board meetings.  Visitor’s questions and concerns should be given to the person who represents your role on the committee.

Do district committees make decisions?
No, they share research & discuss relevant issues for the school district and make recommendations for the superintendent and the school board to consider.  If an item is going to require a deeper discussion and review, a board workshop may be scheduled. However, votes are not taken at board workshops, only at regular board meetings or a special called board meeting.

How can I get involved in the work of district committees?

  1. Be involved in your children’s school (Site Based Decision Making council, parent booster groups, volunteering, Commonwealth Institute of Parent Leadership, other), get a good understanding of how schools operate, attend board and committee meetings.

  2. Complete the simple application that we have on our website.  Paper copies of the application are available at our district office at 8330 US Hwy 42.

  3. Community members that do not have children in our schools may also apply using the application on our website or the paper application available at our district office.  We want you to be involved and we need your knowledge and skills.